Successful Ways to Promote Your Business on YouTube

Humour is an excellent way to host and create branded content it also helps unite the performers “Funny content is shared because amusement is a high-arousal emotion.” funny content stands out, it's attention grabbing, eye catching and is spread amongst internet users, it's a fast way of getting your product across.

Why do you think YouTubers are hired to market products such as goubtube or bigdaws because they have followers as they use humour to attract viewership?

Some videos are promoted next to the YouTube videos, your video however, does not play automatically and you are only charged by Google AdWords account when people click on the thumbnail of your video and begin to watch it.


There are two different types of In-Stream Video Ads: TrueView In-Stream Ads and Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads, these ass are not expensive they cost around $0.04 per view. This means, if you get 1,000 views, you would only be charged $40.

The TrueView In-Stream Ads are able to be skipped after 5 seconds. This means that for this type of ad, you need to grab the viewers’ attention immediately. You’ll be able to see how well your ad is grabbing attention by seeing if people are watching past the first 5 seconds or not.

On the other hand, there are also non-skippable ads, these ads ensure the user watch the whole advertisement.


These types of ads are close to AdWords text ads, as the headline and description lines are the same number of characters, but they appear in YouTube videos. These types of ads are not truly video ads, and they only are shown in videos.

It seems like a dream to believe that at one point in time social media was not used to help a business grow, today this has become a norm everyone resorts to social media, it is the main source of advertisement for many entrepreneurs, however some business owners have not been able to make the most out of social media, although they're doing what they can for their business they haven't been able to make the most out of it in 2012 54% of business owners said that they require help with social media advertising today this number stands at 45%.

Social media advertising is all about mingling with the correct audience's, you need to engage with the correct people, there is a huge online community whom if approached in the correct manner can become potential clients, however, they dislike self-promoters, so how do you use this medium for free advertising I hear you ask? It's simple you do not cold call, you engage. So basically you share Insight and share value this will develop a form credibility and trust, from here on they will share your product service with their friends try to talk about your customers needs, interest's and challenges they face show that you know their business.


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